Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kyle Rayner Green Lantern

Kyle Rayner

The next character in my batch of DC characters. I loved this character and the history around him. The idea of parallax made Hal Jordan so much mroe human and such an interesting character. Likewise I saw Kyle Rayner as the embodiment of a legacy character. Thru out his time as the sole green lantern he was tightly binded to who came before from Alan Scott to Hal Jordan. He grew into his role and eventualy went beyond hal as the green lantern. Sadly all that progress was rewritten to be a bug.

Anyways I see a future Kyle to have developed to be one of the best on Earth. A mixture of both legacies as a green lantern and the starheart of Jade and Alan Scott. Now a pretector of earth and leader of the Justice League he helps do to the new super heroes what he had to do- become a hero that would make who came before proud.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

shuffle illustration

This was originally a layout for the Hitmen comic but it got turned down. I can see why it would since neither main character is in it and it'd be for the first issue. I still would really like it to be though lol. Anyways I still loved the idea so I went ahead and did it as an illustration. It originally was gonna have pink in it....but it didn't work out. I will use pink for something though....just don't know what heh

anyways there ya go

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

random work

The hitmen cover layouts

Some of the cover ideas I thought up for the hitmen. As you could tell I am really in the mood to use a blue and pink color pallete. The ass one is a possibilty for the Hitmen cover though the colors I'd rather look more like other layouts. One of the things I want to do is make a cover that would stand out at the rack. Pink is not a usual color you'd see on a cover and is very strong so I thought to use it. We'll see how it goes

next illustration

A preview of my next illustration. I thought it up originally as a cover for the hitmen but I don't think mike liked it for the cover design. I still do thought lol and will be making it for myself


It is amazing listening to this and it really gives me hope for our industry to be able to branch out again and be as good (money wise) as the early 90s but it be a good market rather than a speculator one.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Girl illustration

An illustration I'm working on. I spent the whole day trying to draw wolverine and batman. Then I switched over to a girl. I couldn't get the pose how I wanted and in frustration I just decided to draw and this popped out lol. I like how it came out. I'll color it later on.

Wolverine to me is one of the worst characters to draw. Him and superman actually. Cuz both I want to exaggerate their proportions but never can. I almost never exaggerate the porportions of any of my characters even when I want to. It just doesn't seem natural to me.

Friday, July 10, 2009

girl walking

So here's a spider-man drawing I did. Ben Reilly was always an interesting character to me. My first comics were when peter gave up the mantle to ben reilly and back then I thought it was sooo badass and thought it was great that marvel had the balls to do such a thing....years later I learned they didn't. O well the new clone saga mini series seems interesting so I thought to give ben a shot. I wish they'd kept the costume atleast. It was a nice progression which was new while keeping all the good features of the original. Even people who hated the whole clone saga agree with me that the costume was actually pretty good


So I thought to bring back this blog. I have to rework the colors and get a banner and such up and running

This is one of my thumbnails for the hitmen's cover. I like the colors, unsure if its to cliche or not though. The blue will be dripping down more rather than what I had quickly done of photoshop to show Mike Garley (the writer)